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Great Reads for Good Food

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How to Reduce Your Intake of Processed Food the Healthy Way

Processed foods are everywhere. They are cheap, convenient, and often taste great. However, they are also unhealthy and can lead to weight gain. If you want to live a healthier life, it is vital to find ways to e...

Food Stamp Boost Ends at Worst Possible Time

After the pandemic hit America, inflation immediately followed due to how much money was poured into the economy. This raised grocery prices through the roof, and so food stamp funds were increased to help people afford groce...

Good News for SNAP Recipients; States Extend Benefits

During the height of the COVID pandemic, America spent more money on the federal level than it has at any other point in its history. This was a bipartisan spending spree too; it wasn't a Republican or Democrat thing. Bo...

Helpful Tips for Eating Healthy on a Food Stamp Budget

Healthy eating can be challenging for anyone, but it can seem impossible when you're on a tight budget. If you're living on food stamps or need to make your money stretch further, it might feel like there are no...

Excellent Tips to Make Your Diet Healthier

Making small changes to your diet can significantly impact your overall health. Most people know that eating well is vital for keeping your body functioning at its best but making these changes can seem overwhelming. However, it&...

Food Assistance Programs: How to Get the Help You Need

If you are struggling to make ends meet, some programs can provide you with the help you need to put food on the table and keep your family healthy. Most people die because they don't have access to clean water and food....

From Hunger to Hope: Revolutionizing Food Stamps for a Nourished Nation

In a world where the abundance of food coexists with the despair of hunger, an innovative approach is paving the way for change. Food stamps, a cornerstone of support for vulnerable individuals and fa...

This Food Stamp Benefit for Millions of Americans Expires in Early March

If you're one of the millions of Americans who use food stamps, it's essential to keep up to date with policies. Government regulations are always shifting, and laws that went into effect yea...

How to be Successful with Dry January Efforts Despite the Ongoing Pandemic

The new year is here which means that many people are using the fresh start to practice the concept of dry January. This practice involves taking a break from alcohol for the month of January. Ma...