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Great Reads for Good Food

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How to Tell If You Have Sexual Tension With Someone

Sexuality is a part of wellness that often gets overlooked due to the taboos. Cultural taboos around talking about sexuality prevent a lot of people from admitting their feelings and dealing with them. Suppressed feelings c...

Looking to Promote Health and Wellness This Holiday Season? Try These Gift Ideas

'Tis the season to shower your loved ones with gifts. If you are shopping for a health enthusiast or if you want to share your love of wellness with others, there are a number of gift ideas tha...

Keep an Eye Out on These 5 Health and Wellness Trends of 2020

Two months into the year 2020 and there are some definitive health trends that are emerging. It can be challenging to wade through the latest trends to discern what is merely a fad and what is something that you ...

Diet Tips While You Staying at Home During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Like nearly every other American, you are stuck at home right now while we wait for the COVID-19 outbreak to be brought under control. Your activity may be limited because it is simply too dangerous to leave yo...

Wellness Activities that Will Help Your Mind and Body and Go Easy on Your Wallet

People are worried about their health and their bank accounts in the age of COVID-19. While they may want to try wellness solutions, they could be an undue strain on their bank accounts when mon...

The Reasoning Behind the Changing Mask Rhetoric

When it comes to one's general health and wellness involving the global pandemic of the novel coronavirus, we hear a whole lot of media points that constantly change like the weather. For instance, right-wing media lashe...

Do You Know About the Silent Killer? Read on for More About Ovarian Cancer

Known as the "silent killer," ovarian cancer is notoriously difficult to diagnose. This type of cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the ovaries start to multiply beyond normal progression and form a...

Surprising Study Shows Teens Are Experiencing Less Anxiety During Pandemic

The closure of in-person schooling has had far-reaching effects that go beyond education. Many child mental health professionals are understandably worried about the continuing effects of the pandemi...

Do Not Let Cold Weather Keep You From Getting in Your Daily Workout

You do not have to give up your fitness routine just because the cold and dark winter days are upon us. The COVID-19 health crisis has forced the closure of many gyms, making many people resort to outdoor w...