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Great Reads for Good Food

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How Scientists and Physicians Are Working to Beat COVID-19 Virus

While the COVID-19 global pandemic is still raging in many parts of the world, the good news is that the death rate is beginning to decline. This is due in large part to the medical community finding better wa...

Fantastic Strategies To Improve Workplace Wellness

If you're like most people, you spend most of your day at work sitting in a chair or staring at a screen. It isn't good for your health. It's downright dangerous. Recent studies have shown that sitting for extended periods c...

May I Take Your Order? (Different Food Assistance Options)

Different Food Assistance Options   .@USDA programs like SNAP, WIC and the National School Lunch Program provide millions with access to healthy, nutritious food every day. pic.twitter.com/b06VlvrNAL &mda...

Mysterious Coronavirus Syndrome in Children Has Doctors Concerned

One of the most troubling developments of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is the increasing amounts of reports detailing how this virus is seriously affecting children. Up until a few weeks ago, health experts ...

Experts Predict THIS State Will Be the Next COVID-19 Epicenter!

After spending weeks in lockdown, you're probably ready to get out of the house and go have fun. Unfortunately, it might be a bad idea to go out now. Experts report some troubling new trends. Record COVID Cas...

Exercising in Cramped Quarters

In case you didn't know, the United States is about to be thrust into another series of lock-downs, which are going to inevitably cause most businesses to close, schools to shutter, and most people are going to be confined in their homes more ...

Good News for SNAP Recipients; States Extend Benefits

During the height of the COVID pandemic, America spent more money on the federal level than it has at any other point in its history. This was a bipartisan spending spree too; it wasn't a Republican or Democrat thing. Bo...

Food Stamp Data Still Up in the Air for November

The program once simply known as "food stamps" has changed a lot over the course of the past few years. Today, it is known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and these benefits are doled ou...

10 Easy Ways to Get Free or Discounted Food

Whether they admit it or not, nearly everyone loves to eat. When food can be acquired for free, eating it feels all the better, particularly when money is tight and you're trying to live on a budget. Here are ten ways that peopl...