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Great Reads for Good Food

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8 Smart Moves If You Are Struggling Financially

Struggling to make ends meet is no fun, but there is help available to make things better and get you on solid footing. And by the way, you are not alone; 78% of adults struggle with daily bills, especially in this inflationa...

10 Habits That Will Dramatically Improve Your Life

Everyone experiences a slump now and then, or finds themselves not where they want to be in life. Changing your mindset begins with changing your habits and behaviors. Cultivating these habits helps you move toward a more ful...

Food Assistance Programs Expand to Meet Growing Need

As costs rise and wages stagnate, hunger is an ever-present threat for many. The government aims to combat food insecurity through programs like SNAP and Social Security. Recent policy changes will boost aid for ...

10 Ways to Combat Work Stress

Everyone experiences a lot of stress at work. Whether you work for someone else or are self employed, job stress can be overwhelming. Stress on the job is not only something that can trouble you. It also wears you down and reduces your effectiven...

Healthy Habits for a Stronger Immune System: Tips for Boosting Your Health

Being healthy isn't all about pounds, inches, and cholesterol numbers. It also means taking steps to keep your immune system in tip-top shape. You can do this by eating the right foods, exercis...

What Are the Common Food Allergens That You Need to Know About?

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are about 32 million Americans that suffer from food allergies. This number includes a whopping 6% of all children. The level of...

Superfoods: Revolutionizing Your Health with One Simple Change

Discover the extraordinary power of superfoods and how they can transform your health, wellness, and nutrition. Join the growing trend of health enthusiasts who have unlocked the secrets to vibrant living th...

Securing Nutritious Food: Navigating SNAP Eligibility with SSDI Benefits

  Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, provides eligible individuals and families with financial assistance to purchase nutritious food. One quest...

Combatting SNAP Benefit Theft: Authorities Take Action to Protect Recipients

In recent months, Illinois has witnessed a significant rise in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit thefts, amounting to over $4.5 million lost between October 2023 and March 20...